Change and continuity in history curriculum: an assessment of themes and Perspectives in Ethiopian History courses at AAU
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Addis Ababa Universty
The major purposes of the study were to explore change and continuity of themes and
perspectives on Ethiopian History in the hi story curriculum of the depaltment of hi story
at AAU and analyze fac tors determined changes and continuities. In addition, how far
Ethiopian history in the curriculum utili zed hi storical research outcomes and the extent of
achievement of social inclusion were assessed. To this end this study employed
qualitative case study as a design and sec ured information from hi story educators at
AAU, participants with PhD in hi story outside AAU, fourth year hi story students,
curriculum educators at AAU, and ex pelts in higher education curriculum at the MoE
through semi-structured interview. All available curriculum documents of the department
of history from 196 1- 2006 were used as sources of data. Data was collected using semistructured
interview and document analyses. This study revealed that several curriculum
changes had taken place due to internal and external factors. Major changes which
introduced new perspectives and inclusion of social and economic history in better scale
through time were basically the outcomes of government changes. Minor changes, which
are not as such substanti al, had taken place within the period of the single government
due to internal fac tors. Therefore this study argues that all the changes introduced in to
Ethiopian History in the curri culum of the department at all levels were not able to
challenge effectively the continuity of political history as dominant theme and the
nationali st perspective. As a result the curriculum of the department fai led to be adaptive
to most of the research outcomes on Ethiopian History and was not responsive for the
quest of social inclusion. This situation can be improved if there is national guide line for
hi story curriculum in higher education taking in to account Ethi opian diversity and
pertinent laws and policies. In addition, di scussion and cooperation among hi storians
with differe nt interpretation of Ethiopi an past, balancing knowledge, society and learners
interests in the curriculum and effectively utili zing all relevant research outcomes on
Ethiopian peoples past would facilitate the improvement process.
History curriculum