The Seasonal Occurrence of Fascioliasis and Some other Helminthic Diseases of Sfleep in Four Selected Sites in Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Ethiopia. situated in the Ilorn of Africa. shows wide
variation in topography climate and land use distribution.
It has a high population of livestock. However. the prevalence
of a number of important diseases has impeded the rational
exploitation of this resource.
In recent years a nation-wide survey of livestock diseases
is being conducted to identify, map infected areas and suggest
appropriate measures amongst which parasitic diseases are
given considerable attention. Accordingly, an investigation
of the seasonal incidence of ovine helminthiasis in selected
sites of various ecological zones was carried out for a period
of one year to provide baseline information.
Thus, the local occurrence of the Helminth of the genera
of I~asic Paramphistomum, ~unostomllm., Chahert.ia, Dictyoc~.
I:'.!.us, l1aemon<:hus, Nematodiru~, Oesophagostomulll , Ostert~ia_,
Protostrono.yl ... I:''>. Trichostr<?..r:!.9ylus, T-,=-ichuris. SkrjaJ:,inagia.,
?~rongyloid. ..~ and some unidentified nematodes and cestodes
has been established in the four selected study sites. The
relative frequency and temporal patterns of these parasites
ha~e also been studied. The results clearly show the bearing
of various meteorological factors, particularly moisture, have
on the seasonal incidence of the helminths infecting sheep.
Based on the findin9s SOMe recommendations have been
The Seasonal Occurrence, of Fascioliasis and Some