Evaluation of Building Construction Program In Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges of Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa Universty


Addi Ababa as per eived by trainers, trainees, college principals, and construction industries. The four components of the program that have been evaluated are: Content- in terms of the adequacy of the course and course content,' Input- in terms of the availability and adequacy of well qualified trainers, reference materials, and raw materials that would be used to overcome the difficulties in meeting objectives; Process- in terms of the real gap between actual program operation This is a de criptive evaluative study of Building Construction Program in five TVET Colleges of during i1nplementation stage and the original design; and Product- in terms of the evaluation of outcomes in relation to the program's objectives. The study was conducted by employing the CIPP model for program evaluation. The sample included 130 trainees, 30 trainers, five college principals, and four construction industries. The data, which was collected by the use of questionnaires and unstructured interview, resulted in findings among which the following are to be indicated- The objectives stated for Building Construction Program is not adequately adjusted by using the present existing training materials, tools, machineries, and equipment in T VET colleges, trainer's p art in curriculum development process particularly in setting objectives and content while it was drafted looks insignificant, trainees assigned in Building construction program are not according to their interest, there are no adequate reference materials and textbooks in Building Construction program, the apprenticeship program implemented once in a year appears to be minimal, there is loose link between TVET colleges and Construction Industry. Finally, based on the findings, recommendations were stated.



Education and Training
