Bone Density Measurement using Compton Scattering

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of this project was to study and examine the applications of Compton scattering to measure bone mineral density and the relation between bone mass loss by aging and a disease called osteoporosis, which is, mostly a problem of post menopausal women. Out of many scientific applications of Compton scattering, bone mineral density measuring is also the most important. In a Coherent/Compton scattering method for measurement of trabecular bone mineral density, the trabecular bone mineral density correlated well with the mineral density values obtained by the gamma ray transmission method. Many problems are encountered in the use of dual photon absorptiometry with a single detector. By measuring the ratio of coherent to Compton scattering it is possible to determine the effective atomic number of materials in the region appropriate for bone mineral estimation



Using Compton Scattering

