Challenges of Teacidng Visually Imp Aired Students In An Inclusive Classroom: The Case of Two Selected Primary Schools In Amhara Region
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Addis Ababauniversity
The principal purpo e of thi study was to assess challenges of teaching visually impaired
tudents in an inclusive clas room in two selected second cycle primary schools of Amhara
To achieve this objective a descriptive survey method was employed and data were collected
through in truments such as questionnaires, interview, focus group discussion and observation.
The respondents were 45 teacher, 42 visually impaired students, 16 sighted students, principals,
vice principals and the coordinators of visually impaired students in both schools. Teachers and
visually impaired students were given two sets of questionnaires which sought their responses
regarding challenges to teaching visually impaired student in an inclusive classroom. Interview .
and focu group discussion were conducted with the schools administrator and 16 sighted
students respectively. The data that collect~d through questionnaires were tabulated and
analysed using mainly percentage and mean in a few places, whereas, the data collected through
interview, focus group discussion and observation were analyzed by categorization, direct
interpretation and developing generalization based on the data obtained.
Concerning the results, the main findings shows that most teachers and principals have lack of
understanding regarding the concept of inclusive education although there are some teachers
and coordinators who have limited and good understanding about it.
The findings shows that teachers have negative attitudes towards teaching in an inclu ive
classroom Moreover, it shows that teachers have faced problems in playing their roles and in
employing different teaching strategies in an inclusive classroom due to lack of training, large
class size, heavy teaching load, abseflce of wide classroom etc. Furthermore, it shows thaI
chronic shortage of special materials in the students hand and in the schools library,
inconvenient learning environment are among practical problems that strongly challenge the
teaching learning process in an inclusive classroom
Inclusive Classroom