A comparative study on linking Tvet with employment opportunities in government, Non-Government and private institutions in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa Universty
The pwpose of this study was to assess employment opportunities of rVET trainees after graduation in Addis
A baba and 10 identify factors that hinder the graduates to find wage employment and start selJemployment. To
this end, an attempt was made to look in to the major [aclors that contribute 10 improve employment
opportunities alld hinder self-employment and wage employments of graduates. In order to address 'he
objective of the study, a comparative method was employed to see the current conditions of government, nOI/government
and private rVET institutions, which had given training ill industrial and construction technology,
with the assumption tliat it could help to know the curren! status of creating employment opporfltnities and their
problems. These training institutions were selected based on pwposive sampling because to examine the out put
of well experienced and newly established instiltltes and to evaluate job opportunities. The subjects of the study
were two experts from Addis Ababa MSE Agency and AEB TVET Department, fOllr principals, JOllr vocational
counselors, 40 trainers, 150 graduates, and 50 employers that participated in offering apprenticeship training
or hiring TVET graduates. These subjects were selected based all available sampling technique. Principals,
vocational counse/ors, and trainers were selected based on random sampling technique. Illformatioll was
obtained using questionnaire, interview, observation and document analysis. The data were analyzed using
percentage,freqllency and one way ANOVA. Th e findings oJthe study revealed that the managerial experience
of principals, partnership with employer organization, labor market information system, training facility, and
creating job opportunities of /lOll-government TVET institutiolls was beller than government and private
institutions. Factors such as weak partnership, absence of incentives 10 encourage organizations to cooperate
the trainees, during apprentices/III), and lack of labor market ill/ormation system have a negative influence 0 11
creating employment opportunities to TVET graduates. Regarding self-employment opportunities, social and
economic factors were serious obstacles to create convenient cOl/tiitions. These also prevented them to exploit
the benefits ofselJemploYlllent, access 10 credit, raw materials and market management. Above all, the support
of Micro and Small scale Enterprise Agency and other supporters, to be self-employed, were low, too. Finally,
the degree of employment opportunities of rVET trainees demollstrates that lIoll-government TVET institutions
were higher than government and private rVET institutions.
Therefore, the TVET institutes recommended that widen employment opportunities to their graduates, using
good labor markel illformation, establishing unit of labor markel and allocating budget in the institutions. The
institutions, also expected to peliorm activities like Occupational analysis, Vacancy Study, Tracer Study,
training !leed assessment, establishing strong relationship with elltelprise, vocational guidance, job-searching
advice, form clubs and cooperatives organized by the trainees .. Regarding self-employment opportunities, the
City Micro and Small Scale Enterprise Agency, alld Sub-Citylkebele Admillistratiolls suggested that to work all
facilitaling and forming of cooperatives, access to credit, supplying of raw materials alld other supports.