The Management of Integrated Functional Adult Education in Yeka Sub-City of Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of the study was to describe the problem of the management of IFAE in Yeka subcity
of Addis Ababa. It addressed issues related to the management of IFAE and factors
contributing to relapse of Illiteracy. The contribution of IFAE to individual adult participant’s
life in terms of literacy, numeracy and life skill was also described. The research suggested ways
of improving the existing practice in integrated functional adult education programs. Descriptive
survey design was used and both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection were
utilized. The target population of this research consisted of adults, facilitators, experts and other
stakeholders working on integrated functional adult education in Yeka sub-city of Addis Ababa.
The researcher purposively selected forty adult participants and another forty facilitators from
five selected IFAE centers, five woreda IFAE experts and one sub-city expert and four other
stakeholders from the signatory board member sectors. Random sampling was used to select the
participants of the study. The data collection instruments used were questionnaire, focus group
discussion, observation checklist, document analysis and interview. The quantitative information
obtained through questionnaire was analyzed by using frequency count and percentage. SPSS
version 20 was used to data analysis. On the other hand, the qualitative information obtained by
using open ended questionnaire, focus group discussion, observation checklist, document
analysis and interview were expressed through descriptive statements, interpreted and
supplemented with the quantitative data. The study indicated that the Woreda adult education
board and technical committee were not functional and IFAE contents were pre-prepared
centrally, not related to adults life; adults have interest in the IFAE programs; the teaching and
learning approach in the IFAE classes were facilitators led discussions and the teaching and
learning was lecture method; there was no clear post literacy strategy. Based on the finding it
was concluded that IFAE program implementation in Yeka sub-city was not integrated both in
content and management. Based on the finding it was recommended that the content and
management of IFAE program need to be integrated and the approach to adult education should
be learner centered.
Management of Integrated Functional Adult Education