The effect of conflict management on organizational performance on Major General HayelomAreaya Military Academy
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Addis Ababa University
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of conflict management on organizational performance on MGHAMA. The study is conducted using mixed research approach with descriptive and explanatory (causal) research design. The primary date had collected by using lekirt scale questionnaire, open space and interview with the selected and accessible academy members. In addition secondary data is collected from both published and unpublished literary of the academy, like annual reports, meeting minutes, books and other related studies. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The target population was 214 MGHAMA members from different sections. From this 139 were used as a simple. Out of 139 distributed questionnaire 130(95.5%) were collected and analyzed by using SPSS Version 20, which produced descriptive and inferential statistics used to present the result in tables. The findings indicated that MGHAMA is not well practiced conflict management strategies and not worked to developed member’s perception regarding conflict management and its impact. This result brings low academy performance in order to produce qualified and competent line officer. The effect of conflict management on organizational performance of MGHAMA was tested by cooperative, competitive, avoidance conflict management strategies and perception of members. In fact competitive conflict management strategy had less significant and weak association with organizational performance but, the rest measures had strong association and level of significance with organizational performance. This Study recommended that MGHAMA Commandants should focused on improving conflict management mechanisms by insuring participations, build sense of belongingness and improve the perception of academy members throughout intensive participation and provide effective training regarded to conflict management and its impact on organizational performance
conflict management, organizational performance, military academy