The Implementation of Business Education Program in Selected Government Technical and vocational Education and Training Institutions in southern Nation, Nationalities, people, Region
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Addis Ababa University
The pu rpose of this s tudy was to assess the Impleme ntation of Business
Education Program in Se lected Government Technical and vocational Education
and "Tra ining In s titutions in south Nation, Nationalities, people, Region. The
sa mple institutions selected for this s tudy were Awasa, Butajera, Hosana and
S odo. Wi thin these institutions , the subject of the study was 4 principals and 33
teachers 195 students 4 vocational Guidance and counselors. Accordingly, the
respondent sampling was carried out through availability and randomly
s ampling techniques. Availability sampling was employed for Dean(Principals),
Vocatiohal Gu idance and Counselors and teachers because their number was
lo w. " mly sampling was Hsed for students because of their high number.
" fn[onnaliol1 was obtaine d using questionnaires, interview, observation and
docH ments. Collected data were analyzed by employing frequency count,
percentage and mean difference instrument of data analysis . The findings of
study ind icated that the trainers were not motivated by the institutions and there
was u nder qualification of trainers because there were diploma holde rs in the
institutio ns . Acco rd ing to the Education and Training Policy the minimum
require ment of the qualification of the trainers was first degree . Regarding
app renticeship training, the trainees were not getting actual world of work
I)rcl c ti ce adequate ly because trainees were considered to lack responsibilities in
}""Ulrl/;"(j equipment's cneZ office materials such a s computers. Regarding the
w(II,i.s ivll of trmning m :lte rials and equipment was inadequate. There was poor
' ./ i iUy-u; ier n of budget, lack of trainer's participation in curriculum design and
e l.'ui u (1t ion, poor guidance aQ-d counseling service weak relationship between
institlltions (1.I1d apprenticeship providing organizations, weak participation of
stake holde rs. The refore, based on the finding of the study some possible
sugge stion s were forwarder) . The TVET institutions should create clo se
relationship with apprenticeship providing organizations and during the period of
apprentices hip program equipment and materials u sed should be given for
apprentice with adequate ins truction to use it properly and Purchas ing training
malerials s hould be done prior 10 the training time. All the conccrned
s takeholders s hould be involved in designing, revising a::d evaluation of
cu niclilum implementation. The MoE must invite stakeholders. To bring quality
/ruil'irlg and to achieve the goals of TVET program the teaerle l"S have to go
through pedagogical trainin.g. To this effect, instead of directly joining teaching
uftcr graduation from universities he/she has to be given a short te rm training
t ln c! OI1 f' Ii.ln.tion . Regarding Vocat ional Guidance and Counselors, adequate
IlUllliJe r (/I,d profession ally competen.t vo cational guidance and counselo rs s h.ould
be llssig Il f' d.