Photovoltaic Properties of Poly[3-(4-0ctylphenyl)-2,2'-Bithiophene] (PTOPT)

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of tlus study is to investigate the photovoltaic effect of the undoped poly[3-( 4-octylphenyl)-2,2'-bithiophene 1 (PTOPT) by performing the current density-voltage (J-V) measurements in the dark and under illumination. The Al/PTOPT junction forms a Schottky barrier. The semiconductor property of PTOPT was confirmed from optical absorption spectroscopy. The electrical and photovoltaic properties of an Al/PTOPT/ITO device were investigated by the J-V measurement in the dark and under illumination. From J-V in the dark, the reverse saturation current density, Jo = 6.7 x 1O-14Alcm2 was obtained. The diode ideality factor n and the barrier height <1\ are 4.0 and 1.2V, respectively. Optical absorption reveals that the band gap, Eg , of PTOPT is about 2.0eV. From photovoltaic characterization, the open-circuit voltage and the sholt-circuit current density of the device are Voc = O.75Vand Jsc = 2.5 x 1O-5Alcm2 , respectively. The effective area of the cell was 0.06cm'. The fill-factor and the power conversion efficiency obtained was 0.2 and 0.004% respectively. The illumination of the sample was made from the ITO side with a white light of intensity about 100m W/cm2



Photovoltaic Properties

