Practices and Problems of Designing and Implementing Human Resource Development Programs in Addis Ababa Education Bureau
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Addis Ababa University
This research was concerned to study the practices and problems of designing and implementing
human resource development programs in Addis Ababa Education Bureau. To this end, the
research method employed was descriptive survey. Samples of 19 Addis Ababa Education
Bureau managers, 38 Kijle Ketema Education Department officials, 44 Kebele Education Office
experts and 23 government high school directors were selected by stratified sampling technique
as data sources. To answer the basic questions, data were collected ji-om groups of sample
respondents through questionnaires, interview and focus group discussion. The data were
analyzed by employing statistical techniques including means, percentages, standard deviations
chi-square and one way Analysis of Variance test to see the level of significance of difference in
re;pondents' perception. Findings of the study indicated the absence of the prac/ice of
conducting systematic needs assessment practices. Besides, mosl of the offices had no human
resource development plans. During the delivery of HRD activities the HRD objectives had not
been well presented to Ihe trainees. Offices of the sector had no clear and tran;parent HRD
criteriafor'selecling trainees. HRD opportunities had been offered to individuals depending on
their performance appraisal, recommendation ji'om the immediate supervisors and inviting
interested applicants through notice board. Though, findings indicated the HRD activities
designed and implemented were meant to attain 10 Ihe vision, mission and goals of the sector, the
degree of alignment between the implemenled HRD activities and the organizations sector
strategy were loose as a result the sector strategy didn 't support the aflainment of the objectives
set. This was due to the absence of planned HRD activities and those offered were not scheduled
ahead of time. The practice of desi{4ning and implementing HRD activities were highly affected
by lack of adequate budget, allitudes of management, absence of clear directives, lack of
managerial and lechnical capability to design and implemenl HRD prograll1s. Based on the
findings of the sludy, the following recommendations are forwarded; appropriate allention need
to be given to: conducting HRD needs assessment, allocation of adequate budget, developing
technical as well as managerial capacity, commitment to implement the designed HRD programs,
developing a clear HRD recruilment policy, establish a guideline to design and implement HRD
programs progressively, create a strong link among the administrative units to bring about
homogeneity in realizing the objectives of the sector throughout the city which will finally go
coherently together with The countless sector strategy.
Human Resource Development Programs