Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit Internal Trip Production Forecasting

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This study mainly focuses on the Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (AALRT) estimation of residential based person internal trips which unless analyzed can affects the project justification during the early stage of project installation, transportation planning during operation stages, identification of markets, service planning, facility assessments and revenue estimations. To estimate the trips the required primary and secondary data are collected, the primary data on locations closest to LRT routes are collected with a direct observation and interviewing of government officials and the secondary data on socio-economic data, census data and land use data are collected from various sources such as Central Statistics Authority, Addis Ababa Transport Authority and Addis Ababa City Plan Institute. The data gathered are analyzed using the Land Activity Rate or Land Use Method of trip based model for the base year trip production calculation and Growth Factor Methods for future trip projection calculations. the land activity rate is used to determine the total land areas covered by the LRT routes and the Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE) standard is used to determine the trips per hectare produced and finally the growth factor method is used to project the trips for future times. Based on these models the numbers of trips are calculated both on North-South and EastWest LRT routes as a minimum and a maximum values in interval for the consecutive five years. The North–South route forecasting shows a minimum of 603,159 person trips per day and a maximum of 2,031,691 person trips per day whereas the East-West route forecasting shows a minimum of 1,124,988 person trips per day and a maximum of 3,789,434 person trips per day generated after five years in 2019G.C.Thus from the forecasted result of residential based internal trip production of the coming five years, the Ethiopian Railways Corporation (ERC) will be able to carry out the supply side facility estimation and future revenue projections so as to make the company responsive for the changes made on the travel needs.



Light Rail Transit, Forecasting, Trip
