Bank Selection Decision: Factors Influencing the Choice of Banking Services
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To plan a suitable marketing SirGlegy fa keep existing clIstomers and for allracling new c ustomers, commercial banks need fa ident(fjl lhe criteria on which ClIslomers determine their hank selee/ion dec ision. Hence, the purpose of this study is 10 examine the sigmjicance of bank seleelion crileria and how customers rank the factors based on Iheir importance leve/fo patronize banks and banking services. It also intended to present an analysis of gender differences in th e relative imporlance oj choice crileria in respect of selecting a bank one/to elicit the opinion of bank cuslol11ers 011 any exIra services needed 10 be offered by banks. /3o(h quantitative and qualitative methodology, lIsing responses given by 201 clistomers h1 Addis Ababa city frolll different occupation (studenls, elllployees and businessmen), is employed in the analysis. A non-probability convenience sampling was us ed and data was jactor analyzed 10 reduce Ihe number of total variables infO manageable way. Finding from /his sll/dy reveal/hal the most /wo imporW11f bank ,\'electi on criferia for ellS/DIners are "convenience" and "service provision" jar the enlire c ustomers while il is "bank's image" as the second most important fac/orfor male c usiomers. On the a/her hand, {he leasl IwO impor/anl factors of bank selection for customers are "financial benefitsl technology", "replllation" and "promotion strategy" whereas "allraCliveness" for female clistolllers. Given /his .findings, il is recommended th at hierarchical information intebYJ'ation may be a potentially useful method jol' bank managers 10 sludy complex decision making problems sllch as bank choice. Keyw()/'{/s: Bank Selection Criteria, Customers, Banks, Banking Service
Impact, Mechanisms