)In ~foration of tlie Perceptions ana Practices of f£LIP-Trainea Su6ject )I rea Instructors in Promoting )Icaaemic f£ngCisIi Learning: Tlie Case of )Ir6a :Mincli Co{[ege ofTeacherf£aucation
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Addis Ababa Universiy
This study was aimed at exploring the perceptions of ELIP-Trained subject area instructors
towards promoting academic English Learning and assessing their practices in promoting
academic English learning. The study allempted to see ELIP-Trained subject area instructors '
perceptions and practices in relation to the English language improvement training (ELIP) they
had taken.
To conduct the study, descriptive survey method was employed. The study was conducted in Arba
Minch CTE and the data were gathered from 30 ELIP-trained subject area instructors and 120
respective students of these instructors. No sampling was used to draw instructors who wouldjill
out the questionnaire, whereas systematic sampling was employed to determine student
participants. The data collection instruments used were; questionnaire (for both instructors and
students), interview (for instructors) and observation.
Qualitative and quanti/alive analysis were 'employed so as to analyze the data obtained through
the instruments used in the study. The quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, mean
and grand mean where as the qualitative data were categorized and described qualitatively in
line with the items in the questionnaire. The jindings of the study revealed that ELIP-trained
subject area instructors have a moderate perception towards ELIP training. In spite of their high
perceptions with regard to promoting academic English, ELIP trained subject area instructors
practices were found to be low in terms of the provision of language use demanding situations
which would promote academic English learning by students.
Finally, recommendations were forwarded based on the major jindings. The points
recommended were: the preparation of materials appropriate to the levels of the trainees;
extending the scope of the ELIP training from helping instructors improve their English to
empowering instructors to step in to promoting academic English learning in the content
classrooms by the learners; organizing a regular forum discussion on how instructors can
support learners improve their Academic English; collaboration between HDP and ELIP to
enhance the learners involvement in class activities using English; provision of a reading and
study skills training for learners in their jirst year in the college; and formulation of ways by
concerned bodies on how to exploit the existing potential area in content areas for better
academic English learning.
The Case of Arba :Minch College of Teacher Education