Assessment of Autistic Behavior among School age Children in Selected Elementary Schools in Jimma, Oromia, Regional State South West Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Autism as developmental disorder didnot receive due attention it deserves, from schools
especially elementary schools. Autistic children are not clearly known in school for this
particular developmental disorder “Autism”. The purpose of this research is to investigate the
dominant autistic behavior among the school children in Jimma Town.To investigate these
differentdevelopmental traits offive (5) children selected for the study were considered against
DSM-5 diagnostic criterion and checked for1) presence of symptom at early developmental
period 2) developmental impairment in three areas, including impairment in social,
communication & repetitive behaviors.In process of investigation two levels of screening
methods were usedto select the target groups from 160 students.Fromthis 128 students were
identified for not having any disability or special needs in the school.From the remaining 32
students, only (five) students (3male and 2 females) showed symptoms of autistic
spectrumdisorder (ASD). When this was computed from the total population of this study(i.e
1515students),these five children constitute the prevalence of ASD to be 33 out of 10,000 school
age children. Results were discussed and recommendations were forwarded
Jimma, Oromia, Regional State South West Ethiopia