Prevalence and Correlates of Mental Disorders Among Prisoners at Debremarkos
dc.contributor.advisor | Tadesse, Sentayehu (PhD) | | | Terefe, Menwagaw | | | 2019-01-23T10:33:11Z | | | 2023-11-10T14:43:56Z | | | 2019-01-23T10:33:11Z | | | 2023-11-10T14:43:56Z | | | 2007-07 | |
dc.description.abstract | No studies so far have been conducted ill Elhiopia 10 eslimale the prevalence of menIal disorders in a prison populalion. !n order 10 explore Ihe magnilude of menial disorders and Iheir associaliollS wilh socio-demographic faclors and some criminal hislories of inll1ales, a sludy IVas conducled in Debre Markos lown using Ihe Amharic version oflhe Composile !nlernalional Diagnoslic lnlerview (CID!). A lolal of 1 04 inmales aged 19-59 years (allihe 48 female prisoners purposely laken as a sample and 56 males selected by 5ystemolic random samplil1g) were interviewed by nOll-clinician il1lerviewers. The aggregale life-lime prevalence eSlimale of lIIenlal disorders was 46.6 ,.Jercenl and .f 1.9 perceJ1/ whell subslance Ivas 1101 included. The 1I10Si frequenl specific diagnoses IVere: anxiely disorders (9.3 percenl), major depression (7.4 percelll), dissocialive amnesia (7.4 percenl), and dyslhYlllic disorderlrecllrrenl depressive episode (5.6 percCII I). Associaliolls of specific menial disorders wilh demographic .fac/ors and criminal histories of inmates were assessed lIsing one \\lay al7a~)lsis of variance. A4oreover, comparisons for significant group meall differences were tested by POI /-lac lest (Scheffe's) and I-Iesl. Felllale sex 'I'as shown 10 have sla/islically sigllificanl associcllion lI'ilh dyslhymic disorder (1=2. 10, P<0.05), lIIanic depression/bipolar disorder (1=2.94, P<0.05), and dissociative amnesia (1=2.71, P< O.05) where as the male sex was significantly associated wilh lobacco dependence (1 =2.63, P<0.05). Anxiely disorders lI'ere Slran)!,!y ass-ocialed willi Ille younger age group (J 9-24 years) and less associoled IVilh Ihe middle age group (25-44 years) (iv/am difference =20. 51, P<0.05). Anxiely disorders I!'ere also ossocialed wilh inmales who are in Iheir beginning phase of illlprisonllleni and Ihe leasl associalion found among Ihose slayed longer periods in prison (Mean difference=14.28, P<0.05). Major depression was slrongly associaled wilh Ihe younger age group and Ihe single/unlllarried marilal SlOlus. Alcohol dependence was fOl/nd 10 have sialislically significonl associalion wilh Ihe divorced and was less clSsocialed wilh Ihe married (Mean difference = 12. 50, P<0.05). Fell' services (primm)' school. handicrafl and lIIedicalion) Irere availohle in Ihe prison. fI was concluded Ihallhe aggregclle prevalence rale oflllenial disorders is Sllb.HUlllial and Ihere is a need 10 make inlervenlions. Hence, eSlablishing a holislic and inlegraled !IIedical, psychotherapeutic, and \1ocalional interventions were recommended 10 improve fhe menIal well-beillg of prisoners. | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.publisher | Addis Ababa University | en_US |
dc.subject | Elhiopia to eslimale the prevalence of menIal disorders | en_US |
dc.title | Prevalence and Correlates of Mental Disorders Among Prisoners at Debremarkos | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |