Assessment of Timing of First Antenatal Care Booking and Associated who Factors Among Pregnant Women Attend Antenatal Care at Health Facilities in Dilla Town, Gedeo Zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region, Ethiopia, 2014

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Addis Ababa University


Introduction: Antenatal care is one of the interventions that can reduce maternal mortality and morbidity. Yet in developing regions overall, only half of all pregnant women receive the minimum recommended number of antenatal visits four and lately timing of ANC booking. Studies revealed that socio-demographic characteristics of pregnant women, past experience of Antenatal care service utilization, parity, knowledge on timing of ANC and pregnancy, and gender biased cultures had influence on timing of first ANC booking among pregnant women. Objective: To assess timing of first ANC booking and associated factors among pregnant women in Dilla town, SNNPR, May 2014. Methods: Facility based Cross-Sectional design study was conducted to assess the timing of first ANC booking and associated factors. Study subjects were selected using systematic random sampling. The data was collected using pre-tested structured questionnaires and data were entered onto a computer using Epi-info 3.5.1 statistical program then exported to SPSS version 20 for analysis. Descriptive were used to describe the characteristics of study subjects. Logistic regression model was used to predict timing of first ANC booking and associated factors and also OR & 95% CI was used to measure the associations. Result: this study finding revealed that 35.4% respondents were booked first Antenatal care timely. The mean gestational age of timing of first ANC booking was 4 + 1.4 months. Multivariate analysis revealed that respondents age(OR=0.2, 95%CI, 0.03-0.5, P=0.005), Education (OR=0.4, 95%CI, 0.2-0.9, P=0.04), Parity(OR=1.8, 95%CI, 1.1-3, P=0.01), knowledge on importance timely booking (OR=2, 95%CI, 1.3-3.3, P=0.003), those informed before to book ANC(OR=3, 95%CI, 1.1-9, P=0.03) and past ANC experience (OR=1.7, 95%CI, 1.1-2.8, P=0.022) were found as significant factors that influence timing of first Antenatal care booking. Conclusion and Recommendation: The findings of this study indicated that 35.4 % were booked timely. Thus, women’s educational status, knowledge of women on importance of timely booking, quality of ANC have to be considered when antenatal care programs are planned, implemented and evaluated to ensure timely booking of first ANC



Health Facilities, Southern Nations, Nationalities
