Assessment Of Motivational Practices The Case Of Ethio-Telecom, Addis Ababa Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this study was to assess the motivational practices that are being
implemented in Ethio-Telecom. In this regard, Working Condition, Promotion, Work Content,
Benefit, Payment and Recognition are assessed from varied dimensions. To deliver quality
service, understanding individual motivation is required. A number of studies confirm that a well motivated employee has a great impact on organizational performance. The research design
of this study is Descriptive and a questionnaire was administered to 144 respondents from four
selected departments. The respondents were selected by using Stratified Random Sampling
method. The data was collected using Standard Questionnaire specifically designed to capture responses to assess the motivational practices of the organization. The questionnaire was a fivepoint
likert scale. Descriptive statistics such as standard deviation, mean, frequency and
percentage was used to analyze the collected data. The data collected from the survey was analyzed using SPSS software version 20.0 and presented in the form of Descriptive Statistics. The main findings of this study indicated that there is motivational practice in Ethio-Telecom even though it is not formal and appropriate. The results have shown that respondents have felt
unfair and injustice in the company’s motivational practices
Working Condition, Promotion, Work Content