Learning Conditions and Characteristics of Mentally Retarded Children in Inclusive Classrooms in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
This research paper focused on the learning conditions and characterstics of mentally
retarded children in inclusive classrooms in Addis Ababa .The investigation examined 9 cases
of mentally retarded children in Kokebe Tsibah School. With the objective to determine the
attributes of learning in the settings, a review of practice from the experience in advanced
country, namely the Federal Republic of Germany was undertaken.
With this aim in view, various insruments were employed to get data from relevant sources.
The areas assessed by the study comprehend specific learning abilities, receptive and
expreSSIve language development, application to subject matter, cognitive, and socio
emotional skills by the mentally retarded children. Supplementing the data, assessment of
teaching strategies in the classrooms is endeavored. Obseravtion of cases and the interview of
the partcipants were applied. In addition, assesment of attitude of non-handicapped peers is
atttempted. This embodied attitude of the peers toward MR children, peers knowledge about
mental retardation, and the interaction among the MR children and peers in and outside of
classroom settings. The findings have shown that challenges outweighed the opportunities of
learning by MR children in the classrooms. Hence , the children were found to recieve little or
no concrete services, but meaningful and involving learning experiences in the classrooms.
Mentally Retarded Children in Inclusive Classrooms