Political Satire in Achebe’s “A Man of the People”

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Addis Ababa University


The novel ‘A Man of the People ‘by Chinua Achebe is a satire of the political era of the first republic of Nigeria’s history. It portrays the problem of corruption in Nigeria among the political class. ‘A Man of the People’ is a Realistic fiction. Its story reconciles with the Postindependence Nigeria’s history that reveals corruption and political power as the two sides of a coin. Leaders come to power with the sole purpose of filling their own coffers or benefiting friends, followers or clans etc., at the expense of the poor masses. But the major focus of the thesis is to explore how Achebe satirizes corruption, the major forms of corruption committed by the officials, the consequences of corruption and how he satirically attacked the corrupt politicians and the possible solutions the author suggested to curb corruption. The findings vividly show that the major causes of corruption in Nigeria are poverty, attitudinal problem/tribalism and greediness. But attitudinal problem of both the politicians and the society at large could be taken as the major one. The sad aspect is, in Nigeria, corruption has become cultural. The majority are involved in committing every type/form of corruption. However, electoral corruption is the dominant one. It has paralyzed democracy and has a deleterious effect on social and economic spheres. Achebe tried to condemn the corrupt politicians using the literary mediums of irony and exaggeration and in the end suggested coup as the only solution to minimize corruption and/or deter the politicians from abusing their power. But the key solutions in fighting corruption lie on supporting and recognizing the authors who fight against corruption through their pens to induce society to change its attitude and to strengthen civil society institutions including media and design a mechanism by which those who practice corruptors will be punished.



political era of the first
