Approach to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and Its Implication for Quality Education: The Case ofMizan-Tepi University
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study was examining the extent to which teachers and students
of Mizan-Tepi University adopt a desirable (high quality) teaching and learning approach.
The study was concunent explanatory in its design of mixed approach. The study made
use of questionnaire and interview as a tools for data coll,e ction. From 66 teachers and 212
students data were analyzed with correlation, multiple regression and cluster analysis.
Comparison between and among groups also made using independent t-test and ANOV A.
Teachers' approach to teaching and bringing good practice of teaching were related
significantly. Similarly the conelation between students' perception of their learning
environment and the approach to learning showed a significant relationship. Beside this,
Workload (~=-0.456,t=-4.534,p<0. 00 1) and professional course (~=0.378,
t=3.763,p<O.00l) were important predictors for teachers' adoption of desirable teaching
approach. Having less workload and pedagogical skills of teaching, will lead to adopt high
quality teaching approach and bring good practice of teaching. Variables like experience,
qualification, gender and faculty did not influence teachers to practice teaching in its
desirable approach. Good teaching (~=0.348 , t= 4.281 , p<O.OOl), Generic skills (~ =0.297 ,
t= 3.653, p<O.OOI) and appropriate workload (~=0 . 187, t= 3.484, p<O.OI) contributed
significantly to the variance of adopting high quality learning approach. An environment
which have good teaching, generic skills and appropriate workload, encourage students to
adopt a desirable learning approach. Finally, 61 % (n=40) of teachers in the sample have
adopted a desirable (high quality) teaching approach and they are bringing good practice
while the rest 39% (n=26) practicing in its low quality. Similarly, 75% (n=158) of
students in the sample perceived their learning environment as suppoliive of their learning
and adopted a desirable (high quality) learning approach while 25% (n=54) perceived
their learning environment as less suppoliive and adopted a low quality learning approach.
This implies that, the majority of staffs and students are in a position of practicing quality
teaching and learning in line with the criterion set by HERQA. To sustain this practice, all
the stakeholders of the teaching learning process (management body, teachers and
students) should play their role.
Higher Education and Its Implication for Quality Education