Les difficultés de l‘utilisation du passé composé et de l‘imparfait chez les apprenants de français : cas des étudiants de la troisième année de l‘Unité de français de l‘université d‘Addis Abeba.

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Addis Ababa University


Among the four ways of learning skill a language, writing skills is plays a major role and very important parts of communication and teaching according to the this website[www.witslanguagesschool.com/newsroom/Articleview/tabid.aspx] Grammar rules can help learners develop the habit of thinking logically and clearly without good grammar clear communication is impossible and grammar improves the development of fluency. When a person has learned grammar, it will be easier for that person to know how to organize and express the ideas in his mind without difficulty. As a result, he will be able to speak, read and write the language carefully.‖ Writing skill without grammar cannot communicate or transmits a complete message for someone or somebody. Generally, Communication cannot take place in the absence of grammar. The aim of this study is to determine which methodologies and pedagogies are most effective and best adapted in order to improve grammatical competence of writing skill according to the school culture and the learning habits of the public concerned, namely the third year students of BA degree French as foreign language at university of Addis Ababa. How can we improve grammatical competence of writing skills particularly in past tense and past perfect tense for French language student: the case of third year of BA degree French language Unit at Addis Ababa University? For the purposes of this research, the questioners and a text were done. We give questions for 19 and 18 students, according to the given questioners and the responses were analyzed.



learning skill a language, writing skills is plays a major role
