The Status of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions and their Contribution to Employment Opportunities: The Case of Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The expansion of TVET programs that has been chosen as an instrument for employment
expansion and poverty reduction was relatively a recent phenomenon in the country. But, this
would be realized if the expansion of these TVET institutions is balanced with the provision of
resources. The principal objective of the study was to assess the status of TVET institutions and
their contribution to employment opportunities. To this end, the study was employed a descriptive
survey method. The primaty and secondaty data were collected from different sources using
qllestionnaires, interview, observation and document analysis. Accordingly, from four
government TVET institutions found in Addis Ababa 236 trainees, 52 trainers, 51 graduates, 15
employers and 3 officials were involved in the study. The collected data were analyzed and
presented descriptively using tables and texts. Moreover, percentages, weighted mean, rank
order, chi-square and t-test were used in analyzing the data. 1he areas of concern believed to be
more relevant to assess the status of TVET institutions and their contribution to employment
were: factors that affects the status of TVET: application of 1MIS, trade demanded in the labor
market, policy options recommended to address the problem and employability of graduates.
Findings from the data analysis indicated that the guidance and counseling service of the
institutions under study was \!ely weak and trainees joined the institutions with out adequate
information. Besides, a considerable number of trainees did not like the fields of stlldy they are
pursuing. The lack of interest on the part of the trainees was attributed to lack of interest from
the beginning, the training was not their first choice and they joined the institutions due to lack of
other options. The material, human and finan cial resources of the institutions are also not
adequate to rim the training programs. Due to shortage of practical sessions and inSl!fficient of
the skills and knowledge they acquired in the training, trainees are not confidence to start their
own business or employed in other organizations. Hence, the present status of rVET institutions
in Addis Ababa is not satisfactOlY to produce competent man power to the labor market as
desired. On the basis (jf the findings, it was recommended that it is better to promote the public at
large and the trainees in particular as far as the training objectives are concerned. Moreover,
the optimum balance between theolY and practice need to be maintained, developing close
relationship with the stakeholders and it is advisable to have a serious fo/lolll up for the
apprenticeship trainings and the graduates as well.
Education and Training Institutions