Assessment of Prevalence of Cancer Pain and Anxiety and Associated Factors Among Patients Admitted to Oncology Ward, Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Ethiopia, 2017
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Addis Ababa University
Introduction: Pain is an unpleasant and subjective experience that involves sensory, affective,
cognitive, social, and behavioral components. The WHO statistics indicated that approximately 2
million people suffer from pain everyday worldwide. Pain is one of the most common symptoms in
patients with malignant tumor, substantially affecting patients’ quality of life. The diagnosis and
treatment of cancer considered as a major life stress can cause or aggravate the related psychological
distress. Some studies have indicated that anxiety was one of the common psychological distresses in
cancer patients(1, 2).
Objective: To assess the prevalence of cancer pain and anxiety and associated factors among patients
admitted to oncology ward, TASH, Ethiopia, 2017.
Methods: A cross-sectional study design was conducted. The sample size was calculated using single
population proportion formula. Data collectors were instructed to check the completeness of the
instrument just after its completion. Moreover, the collected data was coded, cleaned and explored
before analysis to check missing items and completeness of the collected data. Odds ratio was computed
to assess the presence and magnitude of association between dependent and independent variables.
Moreover, a logistic regression was done to control the possible confounding effect so as to assess the
separate effects of the variables.
Result: From the total 220 subjects, 72.3% had cancer or treatment related pain. Of those who had pain,
80% had moderate to very severe pain and 62.3% did believe that the cause of their pain was cancer
lesion. Moreover, only 48.2% used pain management. Interference of ADL due to pain was mentioned
by 61.5% respondents of the total 160 subjects who have pain. Colorectal cancer 49(22.3%) was the
most prevalent cancer type followed by lung cancer 29(13.2%). About 70(31.8%) of participants were in
clinical stage IV. On the other hand 101(45.9%) of the respondents have waited 0-3 months. the rest
68(30.9%) and 51 (23.2%) had length of stay of 4-6 and >6 months before beginning RX, respectively.
Pain and anxiety were significantly associated. Besides, length of stay, duration since they knew their
DX, cancer types and stage of the disease were important determinants of cancer pain and anxiety.
Conclusion: The investigation revealed that three fourth of cancer patients suffered from pain and
anxiety was common among cancer pts.
Recommendation: It would be better if TASH administrative bodies, researchers and nurses of
oncology ward consider pain and anxiety as priority problems to be managed accordingly
Cancer Pain, Patients