Factors that Identify the Effectiveness of Internal Audit in Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne Administration Finance and Economic Development Offices, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
The establishment of IA function is important as an essential internal assurance
mechanism in public financial controls and as a tool for monitoring and
evaluating financial management activities in private, government agencies and
other sectors. The general objective of the study is to investigate factors that
affect the effectiveness of internal audit in Oromia Special Zone Surrounding
Finfinne Administration Finance and Economic Development office, Ethiopia. A
cross-sectional design is employed for a data collection and analysis purpose.
The sample was selected by purposive sampling selection techniques. Findings
indicate that the four factors such as: independence, management support,
competence and organization setting do have an impact on the effectives of
internal audit. Thus the following recommendation was made: the Finance and
Economic Development Offices found in the study areas, other concerned
government body and stake holders should work to make effective
independence/objective, the management support, the competence, and the
organizational setting of internal audit to help them to perform their professional
obligations and duties
Keywords: Internal Audit, competence, organizational setting, independence, management
Support, internal audit effectiveness
Internal Audit, Competence, Organizational setting, Independence, Management support, Internal audit effectiveness.