Identification of Lithologes and Structures in Serdo, Afar, Ethiopia and Their Static Geological Model Using Remote Sensing and Gis Techniques

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Addis Ababa Universty


New generations of advanced remote sensing data have been used by Earth scientists over last decades. This study presents the applicability of recently launched Landsat 8 and Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission digital elevation model data for lithology and structure mapping. Processing of multispectral medium resolution of landsat 8 and digital elevation model data were used for detection and mapping lithology and structure in the Serdo area. These data have been processed and interpreted with the production of lithologic and structural map, at a scale of 1:100,000. The results revealed that lithologic features and their textural characteristics are easily identified by coastal/aerosol, visible, near-infrared and short wave infrared (1-7) bands with resolution merge of band 8 (pan) bands. Spatial enhancement of landsat 8 data using convolution filters (spatial domain of the image) and digital elevation model (DEM) extracted from the SRTM have been used for structures extraction. Hill-shading techniques are applied to SRTM DEM’s to enhance terrain perspective views and to extract morphologically defined structures. Faults and different set of fracture systems are major structural elements recognized. Six main lithologic types and 1859 structures are identified and totally12321 km2 area was mapped in this work. Keywords: Landsat 8, lithology, DEM, NIR, Structures, Spatial Enhancement



Landsat 8, Lithology, DEM, NIR, Structures, Spatial Enhancement

