Communication challenges of students with hearing impairment In 'integrated' classroom setting at Yekatit 25 senior secondary schoolsnnpr:Hosanna

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Addis Ababa Universty


This study attempted to determine the communication challenges of hearing impaired children in regular classroom and assessed it's effect on social interaction and academic achievement of these students at Yekatit 26 secondary school, in Hadiya zone, SNNPR. Qualitative study design was applied to identify the communication problems of these students Data was collected from' 4 hearing impaired students, 3 regular class teachers, 4 parents, 4 hearing classmates and the principal of the school. The main data was collected through interview. In addition classroom observation and student's first semester result and informal talks were 'used to support the data obtained through interview. The predominant problem identified in the study is communication problem that has negative influence on students sociaL,and academic achievement. Lack of knowledge of sign language on the part of teachers and classmates, lack of interpretor services, lack of teacher's readiness lack of resource room and lack of guidance and counseling services are the related problems. In the study it's revealed that the sampled student's are deprived of communication and language exposure in the accessible linguistic environment i.e. sign language. The students academic result also seems to be average or not that much lower than the classmates because of their strong base. in primary schools and unreserved support they are given from their boarding school teachers. So, as the finding showed it, these students face profound challenges in the school. So, different measures should be taken to overcome the challenges. Therefore, the efforts of the school to overcome the problems that these students face in all the stated areas appear to be highly limited though many feasible actions could be taken at school level.



