Outcomes of Fertility Inducing Drugs at Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia Obstetrics and Gynecology Special Clinic, Addis Ababa: A Retrospective Cross Sectional Study

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Addis Ababa Universty


Outcomes of Fertility Inducing Drugs at Ethiopian Family Guidance Association Obstetrics and Gynecology Special Clinic, Addis Ababa: A Retrospective Cross Sectional Study Demilie Abate Addis Ababa University, 2018 Infertility refers to the inability of couples to conceive a clinical pregnancy after one year or more of trying to conceive. The cultural practices and attitudes of nations and nationalities in Ethiopia uphold reproduction as the most important function of families. Childlessness remains to be the most undesirable experience within marriage for most couples. Unfortunately, due to the long standing traditional outlooks of the vast majority of the society, women are expected to carry the burden of impaired fertility in a family. Like in many other populations, impaired fertility is an important health concern for Ethiopian women. There are many reasons why a couple may not be able to conceive, or may not be able to conceive without medical assistance. Currently the use of medical assistance to achieve fertility among couples who can’t conceive regardless of their trial to get pregnant is on the increase. In Ethiopia, evidence showed that infertility treatment has been provided since the past two decades. The aim of this study was to assess the outcomes of fertility inducing drugs at Ethiopian family guidance association obstetrics and gynecology special clinic. The study was conducted at family guidance association of Ethiopia (FGAE) from April-June, 2016, employing a three year (July 1, 2012- June 30 2015) patient charts review supplemented by qualitative data from key informants. A structured check list was used to collect quantitative data, whereas qualitative data was collected using in-depth-interview guide. Among the total of 422 patients, 82.5% were females and majority of the patients were on monotherapy (44.3%). Primolut N was the commonest monotherapy used (44.3%), while the combination of primolut N and clomiphene were 26.3%. on the other hand primolut N three times was used only 3.1% and clomiphene three times was 1.9%, and their combination was 3.6%.



infertility, fertility inducing drugs, outcomes
