Roll Pass Design of UIC 60 Rail Using Finite Element Method
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Addis Ababa University
In metal forming, a simple geometry, bloom or billet, is plastically deformed between tools to
obtain the desired geometry. Hot rolling is one of the main metal forming processes. The rail
sections are generally made of carbon steels by hot rolling process. The rolling of rail section
is carried out in number of passes. For converting initial steel bloom into final rail section, the
bloom is passed between numbers of rollers. Each roller has different grooves on it. The shape
of groove decides the rolled section at each pass. So, to get desired section of each pass, I
designed the sections which, in turn, reduce its cross-sectional area. The final finishing pass
gives the standard UIC 60 rail section used in railways.
The aim of this paper is to present the developed procedure for the simulation of the hot rolling
process of UIC 60 rail. The full rolling process of this rail consists of ten shape passes in
different grooves, only one pass in each groove (five in roughing stand and five in the finishing
stand). The simulation was carried out by using a finite element analysis called DEFORM 3D.
The models developed, take into account all of the non-linearities present in the rolling
problem: material, geometric, boundary, and heat transfer. A coupled thermal-mechanical
analysis approach is used to account for the coupling between the mechanical and thermal
phenomena resulting from the pressure-dependent thermal contact resistance between the steel
bloom and the steel rolls.
The model predicts the equivalent stress, equivalent plastic strain, maximum strain rate,
equivalent total strain, damage during rolling and bloom temperature increase.
The simulation result were compared with the previous work performed by experiments and
other finite element analysis (Ansys). And finally it is found that the DEFORM 3D finite
element software is a powerful and reliable software to perform the design of a roll pass for
rail. Thus, this procedure is really useful to give assistance in the roll design and to obtain the
stock cross-section temperature distribution for the whole rolling process.
Rail, Rollers, shape rolling, roll pass design, Finite element method (FEM), DEFORM