Factors influencing the motivation of youth in using and avoiding • Hiv - Vct services in some selected higher education institutes in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa Universty
This thesis deals with the home or family and out of home as well as self related
factors that influence the motivation of the youth of higher educational insti~ utes in Addis
Ababa to use and avoid mv - VCT services. In undertaking the study, the descriptive
survey method was used. Higher education institutes, parents and counsdors were first
identified using the purposive sampling method. Then, three sample higher education
institutes i.e. colleges owned privately and by government were selected randomly from
business and medical colleges in Addis Ababa. There were also three focus groups
randomly selected from Universities and Colleges in Addis Ababa. Questionnaire,
structured iiitcrv2ew forms :md focus grmlps disc3ss:ons were employed for dab!. coUectioJl~
~he subjects of the study included a total of 505 youth (college students), 25 parents, 18
counselors, and 18 focus group member youth under three focus groups from Universities
and Colleges. Percentages, frequency distributions and gender, age, family level, access to
multimedia and sexual experience differencesand parity indexes were applied in analyzing
and reporting the results. The major findings revealed that: the attitude of the youth
themselves and the parents as well as the people in general towards mv and mv -VCT
has great influence on the usage and avoidance of mv - VCT services. Because of
stigmatization of mY, privacy and confidentiality are the most influential factors that the
youth consider to use or avoid HIV - VCT services. HIV - VCT used female youth and
youth in general found in the age group 20 - 23 years are higher in percentage or more
prevalent than tested male youth and youth in general found in the age group 14 - 19 years
respectively in higher educlltion institutes in Addis Ababa. Recommendations forwarded
include: VCT services should be integrated into other services including on going medical
care and psychological as well as material and educational supports. A referral system
should be developed in consultation with NGOs, community based organizations as well as
with networks of people living with HIV and AIDS. The youth themselves and the parents
as well as other groups of the community also should be sensitized through IEC using
different multimedia so that they can improve or promote their attitude and awareness of
HIV and the advantages-of using mv - vcr services to minimize VCT barrier. The
counseling service should be more qualitative, practically meaningful and youth oriented. It
should also take into consideration the different alternatives to minimize the cost and other
VCT barriers.