Success and failure factors In Implementing Bpr In the ministry of science and Technology
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Addis Ababa Universty
This study was conducted to assess the key success and failure factors in
implementing Business Process Reengineering (BPR) in the Ministry of Science and
Technology (MoST) as perceived by employees and some customers. A descriptive
method was used as a method of research. The study was conducted in three
executive offices of MoST which were selected by simple random sampling
technique. Respondent employees were selected using systematic random sampling.
Respondent customers and Management members were also selected using
purposive sampling techniques. For the selection of employees’ respondents from
each office, proportional stratified sampling technique was engaged. However, for the
selection of customers’ respondents, availability sampling technique was employed.
The sample included 87 employees, 28 customers and 12 management members.
Both quantitative and qualitative were employed to analyze the data. Statistical
analysis using frequency and percentages were conducted. The findings of the study
revealed that females were understated. The awareness and thought of employees
as well as management members is fair; the degree of top management willingness
and commitment was high; insufficient information technology infrastructure
alignment with the reengineering project was shown; fragmented training and
development program was witnessed; high turnover rate and inadequate
measurement and evaluation system were also discovered. To reimburse the major
failure factors and carry on the successes registered, it was recommended that the
offices need to, craft favorable environment by providing more sustainable training
and development programs; improve the IT infrastructure so as to be more effective
in improving quality of service, customer satisfaction and productivity; develop
suitable measurement and evaluation system; and solve the experienced and skilled
work force drainage by introducing proper placement, preparing incentive packages
and providing reward.