Rersearch Practices at the Ethiopian federal Police Commission: Status and Challenges

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Addis Ababa Universty


This study examined the issues pertaining to the status and challenges of research practices in the context of the Ethiopian Federal Police Commission. A conceptual model derived from the review of literature that focuses on the organizational characteristics, external actors and research practices was used to guide this research. The qualitative approach was employed to collect and analyze data for the study. The data were collected through interviews with researchers and managers as well as document mining including research outputs and publications. The results of the data analysis showed that the commission is well organized and structured with its own policy frameworks and regulations and research infrastructure; however, there are limited research activities carried out by the commission to serve different purposes. As it was discussed under the conceptual model, the findings showed that the interaction between the internal and external environments on research activities seemed neglected. For this reason, the research activities were not extended in accordance with the national demand of the commission in terms of adequate human and financial resources. Even if there were research outputs undertaken by the organization within the past ten years, the amount is negligible and they were simply shelfed in the library. In addition, it is assumed that the commission was open for and ready to interact with outside nongovernmental bodies without any shared vision; however, most of the available collaborators‟ policies do not align with the mission of the commission and this caused the commission to be challenged by inadequacy of trained manpower and scarcity of external funding sources. Moreover, the research policies and strategies were not designed in a way that they either attract or accommodate any external co-workers and collaborators without any shared visions. Implications and recommendations were suggested in accordance with the major findings.



Ethiopian federal Police
