The Implementation of Continuous Assessment in Selected Government and Private Second Cycle Primary Schools in Kirkos Sub –CITY, Addis Ababa.
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Addis ababa univeresty
The purpose of the study was to assess the current status of the implementation of continuous
assessment in the second cycle private and government primary schools in Kirkos sub-city of
Addis Ababa. A descriptive research was employed. Six woredas, namely 01, 02, 03, 08, 09, and
10 were addressed by this study through simple random sampling. The respondents in the study
were 70 and 57 government and private school teachers respectively. The samples were selected
randomly. Five government and five private principals were selected using available sampling
technique. Six woreda and three sub-city supervisors were incorporated purposively under the
study. Questionnaire, interview and document analysis were used for the purpose of collecting
relevant data. Data obtained through questionnaires were analyzed using frequency and
percentage. Moreover, data gathered through interview and document analysis were considered
to complement the questionnaires in narrative form. The finding of this study revealed that
shortage of training in private school than in the government schools, and lack of teachers
commitment and less follow up of principals and supervisors towards implementing continuous
assessment in government schools have affected the implementation. Government schools did not
possess the required experience of recording students mark, and reporting students’ achievement
to their parents than private once. The conclusion made that Government schools has low follow
up, support and immediate feedbacks for teacher, low recording of students’ assessment than
private school teachers. In line with the above findings and conclusions it was recommended that
to equip teachers with necessary knowledge, skill and attitude, sub-city and woreda education
officials need to arrange workshops, seminars short and long term training and should follow up
in implementing of continuous assessment.