A Study of Seasonal Variation of Phytoplankton in Relation to Variation in Water Quality In Lege Dadi Reservoir
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Addis Ababa University
The quality of I'later in Lege Dadi reservoir was
assessed in terms of its physical, ohemioal and biological
oharacterstics for a period of one year from June 1982 -
May 1983.
Physical and chemical characterstios of the Io[ater
assessed inolude temperature, pH, odour,taste,oolour,
suspended solids,turbidity,hardness,alkalinity,carbon
dioxide, oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate,
silicate, fluoride, iron, manganese, copper and
conducti vi ty. The data obtained were compared with
WHO (ref. Cox, 1964) standard values for souroe Water.
It is found that almost all measurements fall within
the maximum allowable values given by WHO (ref. Cox,
1964) and prove that Lege Dadi reservoir is a good
souroe of 11ater for the publio.
Biologioal method of water quality assessment
was performed using algae as indicator. Biomass estimate,
periodioity and speoies oomposition of phytoplankton were
investigated. Periodicity of various taxonomic divisions
suoh as Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Baoillariophyceae
and Dinophyceae Was found to be related with some