The Effect of School Culture on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Private Secondary Schools of Nifas Silk Lafto Subcity Addis Abeba.
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This thesis explains the effect of organizational culture dimensions (involvement, consistency,
adaptability and mission) on teacher’s job satisfaction, in the case of Nifas Silk Lafto sub city. The study adopted explanatory research design. The target population consisted 526
teachers and 227 samples drawn. Simple random sampling was used. The data for this study
was collected using standardized questionnaires from seven private secondary schools in
Addis Ababa. Two separate instruments of job satisfaction survey and organizational culture
assessment instruments were used to measure teacher’s level of job satisfaction and existed
organizational culture of the private schools. The collected data was analysed using
statistical package for the social science (SPSS). In order to test the reliability of the
instrument, Cronbach alpha test was used. Pearson correlation and regression analysis were
applied to estimate causal relationship between independent variables (organizational
culture) and dependent variable (job satisfaction) of teachers. Then the response of the
respondents were analysed through descriptive statistics, correlation and regression. The
finding of the study indicated that, Mission culture was the most dominant type of
organizational culture. Level of job satisfaction of the teachers was average however; the
nature of work slightly satisfied the schools teachers than other facets of job satisfaction
dimensions. All organizational culture dimensions were significantly and positively
correlated with job satisfaction of teachers. The effect of organizational culture dimensions
on job satisfaction indicated that, each independent variable had a positive effect on
teacher’s job satisfaction. The overall finding of the study suggested that, the nature of
organizational culture affect the level of teacher’s job satisfaction and the stronger the
culture of the organization the more teachers satisfied with their job. Therefore, the school
leaders, managers and owners expected to improve and practice effective school culture of
involvement, consistency, adaptability and mission that promote teachers job satisfaction and
retention with the profession of teaching also the study recommended that, such institutions
have to capitalize more specifically level of involvement practices because when teachers
involved in their work and their information taken as an input for decision making, it will
create a sense of ownership and commitment to their job. For these all finally used to make
quality decision and implementation for school goal attainment
Organizational culture, involvement, consistency, adaptability, mission culture and job satisfaction.