Botanical Bruchids Malathion Resistant Varieties and Z. Subfasciatus

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Addis Ababa University


Protections of stored products from insect pests using resistant varieties and botanicals have been utilized for centuries. Studies were conducted to evaluate different botanicals and local common bean varieties against Mexican bean weevil, Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman) at Melkassa Agriculture Research Center in 2016/2017. Twenty local common bean varieties were evaluated twice against Z. subfasciatus in completely randomized design in three replications. The result indicated that, RAZ White and Round yellow were resistant in the first and second round experiments. The botanical experiment consists of Jatroph seed powders, Parthenium seed powders and Neem leaves powders at the rate of 0.2g/kg of seed for each experiment were evaluated against Z. subfasciatus. Malathion 0.2g/kg of seed was used as a standard check. Jatroph seed powder was the most effective against Z. subfasciatus. Parthenium seed powders and neem leaves powders also showed promising result. Germination test was conducted on bean seed treated with different botanicals. Common bean treated with botanicals significantly (p˂0.05) had higher germination percentage than that of the untreated seed. In general, the results obtained indicated that using bean Varieties (RAZ white and Round yellow) resistant varieties and botanicals (Jatropha) seed powder gave the best control of Z. subfasciatus. KEYWORDS: Botanical, Bruchids, Malathion, Resistant varieties and Z. subfasciatus



Botanical, Bruchids Malathion, Resistant Varieties, And Z. Subfasciatus

