School Bullying The Case of Selected Schools in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
The sludy invesligated the prevalence .the nature and attitudes of bullying among studenls in
grades I J and j 2fromfour selected schools in Addis Ababa based all convenience & ownership
tvpe namely Yekatil-i 2 & .AIedhanialelll schools (Government owned), Holy Triniry(Faith based),
Vision Academy(Private). A self reporl questionllaire was used 10 obtain dara Fom a
convellience salllple of 450 studems with Ihe average age of 17. Two percent reported to have
been bullied alld bully others on regular basis. Nine percent had 'watched olhers got bullied
sillce school had started Ihis year. Almost halflhe resjJondents believed Ihey were bulliedfilr no
particular reason while 10% of them were bullied because of their gender, Iheir physical
appearmlces (Heighl 01' Iveighl). Religion and elhnicity had no or millimal relationship with
bully-relaled experiellces. Chi-square tests indicated impacl of getting bul/ied 10 have no
significant difference alllong school types .A one way analysis of variance yielded, Vision
Aeadem\.~ a private school, 10 have more bully-relared experiences Ihan the faith and
gOl'ernme!lt owned school types. The classroom and the way to/[i'OIll schools had been reported
to be the /I/Ost slIsceptible SjJots for bul(ving A two wav analysis of'variance had yielded a
statistically signijical7l relaTionship between schoollype a/1(1 aTtitude LOww'ds bullying WiTh large
e[leet si~e (era=.14) implying a faith based school to have /llOre pro-bullying allitllde. Stlldents
indeed had gone through the experience of bullying though iI was not ciear how distres.~(ul and
hurtfid Ihe experience was Gild there were 110 lIlec/wnisllls in allY of the schools 10 chanllel
incidenls as they crop up.