Assessment of Water Quality in the Sodere - Metehara Area
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Addis Ababa,University
Awash Ri ver basin is the major resource for both domestic and agri cultural uses while
groundwater a l the majority of the study area, especially from deep boreholes seems
unattractive for domest ic and agricul tural acti vi ties due to high concentration fluorides
and sodium ions. Therefore, due attention should be given to Awash River, both in
proper utilization and conservation of its quality. The core of this research work is
concemed with assessment of the qual ity of the difTerent water bodies with respect to
domestic and agricultural uses and to study their temporal and spatial variability.
The interpretation o f the chemical data and the Anal distribution of TDS and nitrate
prevai led some sign of contamination. The major sources of the present contamination
are due to intense agricultural acti vity in the area. This is high ly manifested by high
concentration of nitrate in groundwater of the area.
The over all agricultural as well as dri nking water quality especia lly with respect to
fluoride content, the groundwater is identified in a conditions whi ch is not suitable for
both agricu ltural and domestic uses. a land area of about 16 1.55ha o f Metehara sugarcane
plan tation has been affected, in which 55.55ha of the land has been tota lly lost while the
producti vity of the remai ning 106ha become very poor as a resu lt of insufficient
mechanical operation caused by high water table and high sodium salt deposit.
The drinking and agricu lt ural quality of the different water bodies was assessed on the
basis of the avai lable data. Accordingly it was observed that the groundwater from deep
well are not fi t for drinking due to the presence of fluoride ions in the range beyond the
admissible limi t. The relative high concentration of F" ions can be attributed to the
presence of hot springs, fumaro les and the acidic rocks like ryholite, tracyte and obsidian.
Assessment of Water Quality