The State of Community Based Rehabilitation Approaches for Children with Disabilities in Kilte Awlaelo Wereda, Tigray
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Addis Ababa University
The pwpose of this study was to investigate the state of community based rehabilitation
approaches for children with disabilities in Kilte-Awlaelo wereda, Tigray. In this study a
qualitative method of study was employed with the participation of four children with
disabilities, eight parents of children with disabilities, two community rehabilitation
workers, two leachers, Iwo community leaders and the program coordinator. [n addition,
these sources of data were selected based on purposive and available sampling
techniques. Regarding children with disabilities, Ihey are four in number and they are
selected using the criteria, age 1 O-18years, ji'om different categories of disabilities, f;'om
both sex, and who are included in Ihe program; four parents of the children already
selected and olher four parents of children with disabilities who were willing 10
participate; Ihe communily rehabililation workers these who are working wilh Ihe
children and parents of children with disabilities; teachers of the children with
disabilities, and community leaders of the village in which the children live in The study
also used data gathering instruments such as individual semi-structured interview guides,
focus group discussion guide, observation guides and document review lisl. The data
were collected using interview ji'om four children with disabilities, six parenls, and the
program coordinator; the dala collecled usingfocus group discuss was ji'om Iwo parenrs,
two teachers, Iwo communily rehabilitation workers, and two community leaders. The
major findings include thaI the CBR program provide effective medical and educolional
services for children with disabililies, and that there is an attitudinal change of parents
and the community towards children with disabilities as the result of Ihe awareness
raiSing activities done by the center. Even though the CBR-Tigray has broughl a
significant change in the quality of life of children with disabilities, Ihere were
underachievement regarding vocational rehabilitation of children, income generating
aclivities of parents as well as in involvement of children with disabilities, parents,
professionals and the community in planning and monitoring the CBR program activities.
There were also different manmade and natural abstacles on the on-going rehabilitation
program. In order to enhance the quality of life of children wilh disabilities, The studyrecommends that CBR-Tigray should include other components in its program such as
vocational training and income generating services, and involvement of parents,
children, professionals and the community in planning and monitoring of the program
Rehabilitation Approaches for Children