The Practice of Curriculum Planning in Addis Ababa University: The case of the Department of Business Education
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study is to examine the practice of curriculum planning in Addis
Ababa University with a particular emphasis on the Department of Business
Education. To that end, the descriptive survey method is employed, in which both
qualitative and quantitative techniques were devised. Moreover, a purposive
sampling technique was chosen whereby 16 and 36 samples were taken from the
total population sizes of 28 and 177, which constitute the Teaching staff and
Student cohort, respectively. The findings of this investigation include lack of well
documented statement of program objectives, diverging responses among the
academic staff with regard to the derivation and formulation of program objectives
and subject area contents, the prevalence of lecture type teaching method,
curriculum evaluation confined to student exam - not broad enough to serve as a
base for program review and development, exam questions requiring the
reproduction of lectured materials, the absence of a separate unit/agency to
undertake curriculum planning for this level and types of programs, at University
and National levels, the absence of explicit inter and intra-institutional links, and the
absence of curriculum planning model across the forgoing institutional levels.
Based on the forgoing findings, the thesis concludes that the prevailing institutional
arrangement has many flaws which impede sustainable program review and
development. Moreover, the performances of the undergoing programs cannot be
measured in full perspectives as they lack clear and shared educational purposes.
Based on these findings and conclusions, it recommends that there must be a
central coordinating body at National level entrusted with higher education
curriculum planning so that the coordination and integration of manpower
requirements of the relevant socioeconomic sectors across the nation and
educational efforts at the University and Department levels can be possible. It also
proposes for the establishment of separate curriculum planning functions at the
University, Faculty, and Department levels. The explanation for this kind of
proposition is that such institutional arrangement reduces the possible mismatches
between demand for competences and the supply of such competences, when
looked at from a national perspective.