A Study on the Problems Encountered During The Implementation of Free Promotion Policy in the First Cycle Primary Schools of Hawassa Woreda

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Addis Ababa University


The general abjeclive of this study was to invesligale the role of school improvement program in enhancing quality of education at secondOlY schools. A mixed approach with purposive and simple random sampling lechniques was used 10 select teachers and sludenls Fom secondary schools of Arada sub-city in Addis Ababa. The principal objectives such as 10 examine SIP status, identify ils impacts and assessing the improvements made by the program had been evaluated carefidly. 171e surveyed data were analyzed using SPSs. The findings of the study reveal that relatively encouraging achievements have been made at Ihe school level, with respect 10 the learning and teaching domain. However, achievement in Ihe school environment and community involvement domains were found 10 be very low. Furthermore, lack of reward for Ihose who pel/ormed well ii, lack of awareness, and praclical involvement of the communily, lack of awareness among sludenls, and leachers, turnover of man power and lack of qualified operalional man power were idenlified as Ihe major challenges in implementing SIP. The findings also indicated thai Ihere are no inlegraled efforts of all stakeholders in the implemenlation process. This indicates that the school improvemenl programme has become a well arliculated program in Ihe documenl, bul it is not as ,/i-uiljiil as il was expected on the ground. In ils third year implementalion slage and significanl land marks, improvemenls were not observed so far in all domains, Fom the four domains the most discouraging being the school environment and the community involvement domains.



Role of School Improvement Program
