Factors Affecting the Implementation of Cooperative Training: A case of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in W/ro Siheen Polytechnic College; Dessie city.

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of this study was to assess the main factors that affect the implementation of cooperative training in w/ro Siheen polytechnic college found Dessie city of Amhara regional state. In this aspect, question were raised to assess how cooperative training is implemented, the way of selection those organizations offering for cooperative training, the follow up method for trainees and the like. And there is also interview to ask about the opinions and view of deans, vocational councilors and selected respondents of enterprise. The trainees, trainers, College management bodies including one TVET councilor, privates and government enterprises were the main sources of data for the study. To conduct the study, descriptive survey method was employed. Purposive sampling approach was used in selecting the trainers and trainees as well as private and government organizations. Questionnaires, interviews, and, focus group discussion were the instruments used for the collection of data. The data obtained through questionnaires were analyzed using statistical instruments like percentage and frequency values. The data are analyzed and interpreted quantitatively as well as qualitatively. Generally; there were164 respondents. The study shows that the enterprises has lack of awareness about the implementation of cooperative training which leads stakeholders has no willingness to cooperate even if there is a good effort by the college in the implementation the of cooperative training. Mainly trainees are engaged with machines only to take practice by observation. Organization takes priority to safe machines and to take care of materials and equipments than the quality of cooperative training for trainees. The other point that organization complain is that even if trainees will come with their unit of competencies to take practical training but not enough. Because most of the time the trainees know the theoretical parts of their field of study.. These problems are few and can be solved through continuous effort. To do this; I recommended that the concerned stack holders should create awareness and mainly the college is responsible to facilitate all the duties towards improving cooperative training.



Factors Affecting the Implementation, of Cooperative Training
