The Status of Preparation, Availability and Utilization of Teaching Materials in Upper Primary Schools Biology Teaching: The Case of North Gondar Zone, Amhara Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to assess the status of preparation; availability
and utilization of instructional materials in upper primary schools of North Gonder
Zone. In order to carry out this s tudy the study employed descriptive survey
design. The study was conducted in randomly selected nine upper primary
schools from three woredas in North Gonder Zone of Amhara Regional State. For
this study woredas were identified using purposive sampling techniques. The
source of data for this study were grade seven and eight biology syllabus, biology
teachers, students, school directors, school p edagogical coordinators and school
pedagogical centers. All biology teachers, SPC coordinators and directors from
selected schools participated as source of data by available sampling technique.
To select respondent students stratified sampling procedure and systematic
random sampling technique was used. Accordingly 97 grade seven and 83 grade
eight students were selected. To gather data from the respondents, questionnaire
for teachers and s tudents were used. To validate the data interview questions to
directors and to SPC coordinators and also SPC observation were used. The data
collected were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages and the
qualitative data obtained were used to triangulate with quantitative data.
Finding of the s tudy indicates that the sample schools had a school p edagogical
center. Majority of biology teachers did not f requently prepare and utilize
instructional materials in their lessons. Moreover, there was very low support by
school directors to the school p edagogical center. Due to insufficient budget, lack
of skilled coordinators and lack of guide materials school pedagogical centers
contributed less in supporting biology teaching. This study recommends that the
concerned bodies s hould give emphasis to make learning more concrete,
meaningful, dynamic, creative and problem solving by integrating adequate IMs
in the teaching learning process.
Status of Preparation, Availability