Assessment of English Reading Difficulty among Grade Three Learners: The Case of Ethio National School

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Addis Ababa University


The overall objective of the study is to assess students’ English reading difficulty in Ethio National School located in Akaki- Kality Sub City, Addis Ababa. This study employed quantitative approaches for data collection and analyzes. The research design was a descriptive survey design. Data from questionnaires compiled, edited and coded according to the themes of the study. Data was presented in the form of statement using descriptive statistics used to summarize data by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, (SPSS) version 20 software. Statistics including mean, frequency and standard deviation were used to analyze the data among the different groups. The target populations of the studies are grade three students (371) and teachers of English language (6). The sample of the study included 6 teachers of English (purposive sampling) and 192 students (simple random sampling) from grade three nine classes. The study finding showed that there is high phonological awareness problem. On the other hand student problem regarding factor attributed to difference between L1 and L2 showed high reading difficulty gap. Regarding to factor attributed to teacher and methodology is high factor that contributed to student reading difficulties. Result regarding to Descriptive Statistics Self-reported reading strategies indicated that relative modern intentions to low strategy. The finding stated that identified by teacher’s experience, teaching status and methodology make reading effective and lasting shows in opposite manner. The study recommended stated progress has been made in understanding the underlying mechanisms that contribute to reading difficulties in monolingual students and future studies should focus on reading strategy instruction and interventions on reading outcomes. Key words: Assessment, Reading, Difficulty and Reading Difficulty



Assessment, Reading, Difficulty and Reading Difficulty
