Career Choice of Students at Preparatory Schools in Wolayta Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The mam purpose of this study was to assess adolescents' career choice
status and factors related to career choice at preparatory school students in
Wolayta Zone. To this end, the study examined career pattern development
and choice of 341 students (195 males and 146 f emales) in grades eleven
and twelve. The sampling technique adopted was simple random sampling.
Hence, among five preparatory schools in Wolayta Zone, three were selected
by employing lottery method. The instruments employed in the study were
self report questionnaire and semi s tructured interview. Methods of data
analysis employed in the study were descriptive statistics, bivariate
correlations, multilevel analysis of variance and multiple regressions. The
results of quantitative and qualitative analyses of the data disclosed that the
sex of respondents and the level of their parental education had no
statistically significant effect on adolescents' career choice pattern. However,
age and grade level of students and also the nature of parental occupation
strongly determined adolescents' career choice statuses. Age and grade level
of students were found to be strong predictors of adolescents' career choice
statuses. Adolescents felt most comfortable approaching their fathers for help
in their career choice. Fathers appeared to be in a top position followed by
peers, family members, teachers and mothers. Adolescents greatly valued
their fathers' suggestions and opinions in their career choice pattern. On the
bases of the findings, the study finally provided discussions and
recommendations for concerned individuals and institutions.
adolescents' career choice status