English Language Needs Analysis of 10+3 Tank Mechanics Trainees of Major General Mulugeta Buli Technical And Vocational EducationTraining College

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Addis Ababa University


The aim of the study was to investigate the English language needs of the trainees of Major General Mulugeta Buli Technical and Vocational Education Training College. The needs analyses were carried out taking respondents from five groups: the English instructors, the trainers and tank mechanics trainees of MGMBC. The other two subjects – shop heads and technicians- are from Ministry of National Defence 40720 project. The data gathering instruments employed were questionnaires, interviews and observations along with assessments of tank mechanics texts. The findings reveal that all the macro-English skills are very important. However, their relative importance to the trainees can be give as reading, speaking, writing, and listening in descending order. The specific activities are also identified and prioritized in a relation to the four macro language skills. So, the most important activities from each of the four macro sills are reading notes, asking questions, writing answers to easy type questions and listening to class discussions. The second important activities are reading manuals participating in pair/ group discussions, making notes, and listening to lectures to take notes. Concerning the ability of the trainees, they are relatively better in the receptive skills than in the productive skills. The most difficult skill is therefore, is speaking followed by writing, reading and listening. Regarding the micro-skills, giving oral presentations of project work, writing answers to easy type questions, reading manuals and listening to short talks at work shops are the most difficult ones, while giving oral instructions; writing project reports, reading instructions and listening to class discussions are less difficult than the former ones. The trainees prefer a balance of general English and technical English. They also prefer communicative way of teaching and learning with the help of teaching aids. In occupational setting the relative importance of the macro skills in descending order are speaking, listening, writing and reading. Concerning the activities, the most important are speaking to foreigners, listening to foreigners, writing project reports and reading manuals. Based on the above findings, it is essential to design an English course considering the relative importance and difficulty of the macro-and micro-skills and areas of language knowledge. In addition, course designers as well as English instructors should consider the trainees’ learning preferences and wants when designing and teaching an English course.



Analysis Of 10+3 Tank Mechanics Trainees of Major General Mulugeta
