The Effect of Internal Communication on Employees’ Engagement in Ethiopian Electric Utility

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Addis Ababa University


This study aimed to examine the effect of internal communication on employees’ engagement in Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU). The study appropriately employed mixed research approach and explanatory research design. The primary data was collected through self-administered questionnaire and structured interviews. This study targeted the total number of 954 employees working in Addis Ababa. The sample size is 282 employees based on Slovin's sampling formula; and the study used stratified sampling technique. Respondents from each level of stratum were selected by applying simple random sampling technique. The study found that most of communication channels have been well implemented in the study organization. However, some communication channels like intranet have been inadequately implemented. Pearson correlation test indicated that there is a significant and positive relationship of internal communication skill, channel and climate with employees’ engagement. Among the three factors of internal communication; communication skill has been identified as the most influential of engagement in the organization; nevertheless; it has been paid the least attention. Communication climates contribute the least to employees’ engagement; these include lack of openness and reliable information from managers and employees. There are communication differences with respondent age in terms of using communication skills and channel. Communication climates are dependent upon gender and experience. The regression test has shown that internal communication is able to predict employees’ engagement by 50.9 %; whereas the remaining or less than 50 % explained by other variables which have not been addressed in this study. Thus, it could be concluded that the role of internal communication to enhance employees’ engagement is paramount. The demographic diversity of employees has not paid the appropriate attention for the roles it has in relation to internal communication variables. This study has given a hint to consider the age, experience and gender in nurturing internal communication variables so as to enhance employees’ engagement. This study recommends as employees’ engagement is very sensitive to internal communication, EEU managers should design and implement internal communication strategy to boost employees’ engagement. This should be accompanied by an effective training about internal communication. Additional dimensions of internal communications should be broadly investigated to give a depth insight that may have an effect on employees’ engagement.



internal communication, Employees’ Engagement, Electric Utility
