Management Problems of Apprenticeship Training Program in Tvet Institutions of North Gonder Zone
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Addis Ababa University
This thesis was p erformed with asp ire of conducting a research study 011
management problems of apprenticeship training program in TVET institutions
of North Gonder Zone. A focus was made on the major problems countered
while managing apprenticeship training. To this end, this research attempled
to focus on the fundamental factors aff ecting the management p rocess such CiS
legal frame work, state of partners hip and aspects of management. A
descriptive survey was employed to identify the major managerial problems of
apprenticeship training. The tools used during data collection were
questionnaires, interview and d ocument analysis. Data analysis was
conducted by using percentage, chi-squ are, t-test, ANOVA and spearman's
rank order coefficient of correlation. The su bjects of the s tudy were 5
principals, 3 vocational couns elors and 2 zone TVET officials selected us ing
availability sampling technique and 275 trainees and 45 trainers sampled
using stratified and simple random sampling techniques and 60 company
supervisors sampled using purposeful samp ling. The finding d epicts that as
the majority of the respondents replied the legal framework for the
management of apprenticeship training is absent and the program undertaken
with lack of financial, material and human resources. In addition to this, the
preparedness of apprenticeship offe ring organizations to cooperate, to prepare
a plan and monitor the activities during the training were absent. Thus, it is
possible to conclude that the management of appre nticeship training is
entangled with a set of problems such as absence of legal frame work,
s hortage of finan ce, lack of trained human resource and absence of
partnership between organizations and TVET institution. Therefore, it is
recommended to promote the existing legal framework f or apprenticeship
training. It is further recommended to create stronger partnership among all
providers of apprenticeship training by making aware the mutual beneJits to
be d erived from it through infonnation campaigns, and to strengthen the
human resource for managing and guiding the training.
Management Problems of Apprenticeship Training Program