Art and Artists in Modern Amharic Literature

dc.contributor.advisorGesesse, Tesfaye (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorMelesse, Teferi
dc.description.abstractWriters that appeared during and after the 1960s started drifting towards the discussion and portrayal of art and artists . However despite such growing efforts on the part of writers in communicating their experience among Eth~opians who have extensively .l' .. mharic li::e ra ture have ventured to pertaining to art and artists . to tte reader, few wri tten on modern appraise matters The aim of this thesis is, therefore, to study different literary works which portray artists as characters and raise q '..lestions o f a:-t: as themes of their novels, short stories, plays and poems; paying equal attention to the reasons why wri ters focus their attent ion on their life and craft. 1:1 doi:1g so, this research deals with relevant Amharic novels, short stories, plays and poems of different writers starting from 1960 onwards. In t his s tudy, the views artists ref lect , the values they cherish and the motives that i mpel them to be what they are in life are dealt with consecutively in three chapte:-s . In the first chapter , attempt has been made to consider the views of writers on poetry, as we ll as the views of artist characters on their respective field of creativity and on art in general . Here the views mostly reflect the achievements and rigor artists face in their areas o f creativity . The values artist's consider beneficial to their well being is what the second chapter c ons ists of. Here the discussion revolves mainly on major va lues that most human beings consciously or unconsciously react to, such as the self, materialism, work, sexual activity and success and failure. The dynamic properties reflected by artist characters here, in turn provides us wi th a cue in the preceding chapter . The last chapter is where artists and their motivation is presented. Here the focus is basically on the reasons for the creativity of artist characters considered in this study. Whether their intentior;, their goal, or desire/aversion orother proclivi t y 1 5 r e l at ed LO psyc hol ogical . gene\. ~c I historical, cultural, social or economic factors. As observed in the study, artists lay more emphas i s on the discipline and the creation of a work of art than on the routine of daily life . That is why they raise and expound issues related to the particular field of their creativity, their needs and their problems . In their works, artists also challenge :teir predecessors in introducing taboo subjects such as sex~al openess and reforms in relegious conceptions which are considered as defiance of the established conventions . Write~s of modern Amharic literature are also credited for p o rt~a~'! n g artis: characters and for dealing with art as a theme i:-. :heir works . Moreover, by looking inward into their life and works. they have paved the way towards understanding The nature of the "self" and its role in shaping the future .en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.titleArt and Artists in Modern Amharic Literatureen_US


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