An assessment of the implementation of non-formal junior level technical and vocational education and training program in Addis Ababa City administration
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Addis Ababa Universty
The main purpose of the study was to investigate the implementation process that
arises in non formal junior level TVET-program towards demand driven training in
some selected Non-Format TVET Institutions in Addis Ababa City administration.
In order to address the objective of the study descriptive survey method was
employed The sample consists of 30 trainers, 205 trainees, 20 sub-City experts
and 5 principals. The study was conducted in 5 TVET Non-Formal institutions, and
simple random sampling was used to select these intuitions. Simple random
sampling method was used to select trainees and trainers and availability sampling
approach was employed in selecting the sub city TVET experts and principals of
the non-formal TVET Institutions. Two officials are also selected using purposive
approach from the TVET Agency. Questionnaire and interview were employed to
gather the required data. Analysis was made using percentages. The findings of
the study depict that, the efforts made towards labor market assessment to make
the training demand driven were not satisfactory. The reason thought for these
factor were, lack of support and coordination of regional and sub-city TVET
departments and financial constraints to run the program. Furthermore training
need assessment and tracer study was not conducted as expected in the training
institutes. As to knowledge and skill of NFTVET instructors, they know how to
deliver practical trainings but lack the idea of transferring entrepreneurship and
micro business skills in linking the training with the world of work to trainees.
Findings also indicated that, sufficient offices are available for administrations
staffs whereas availability of workshops, educational teaching materials and
budget allocation to the training program was not adequate. In light of these
training, because of lack of labor market study and shortage of educational
materials and workshops with constraints of budget, NF TVET institutes would be
in difficult situation to prOVide demand driven training, unless these conditions are
Vocational education